Journey of a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tanzania, East Africa.
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Blast of the Past:
Good Doesn't Last Forever, Neither Does Bad
How you see a country depends on whether you are passing through it, speaking the language, living in it. How you see a country depends on...
Observing Ramadan in Tanzania
From Khartoum, to Riyadh to Washington DC, my entire life feeding off the energy of fast living, tall buildings, overcrowded buses and b...
Ocean Apart. Close At Heart.
My Darling. Laundry Day! Mama helping me wash clothes by hands. Washing Dishes like a Pro. Maandazi...Tanzanian fried dount...
Welcome, 2014.
Reflecting on the past year I am suddenly overwhelmed with happiness, sadness, frustrations, remorse, elation, it was not an easy jo...
Wamasai Shule ya Msingi
Voices of Maasai Arusha, Tanzania Wamasai Shule ya Msingi translates to Massai Primary School. Last summer (2012), Georgetown Uni...
The Purpose Behind All of This
I skipped out this weekend on what would have been my first annual car-race event/full-moon party in Tanga. Apparently this 30-year old tr...
New York City
I have always loved the idea of living in a big city. The panorama, the skyline, the energy. New York is known for its div...
Women are gathered in an open yard, mounts of rice, vegetables, and aroma of sweet spices. Men gathered under a tree conversing over tradi...
End. New Beginnings.
My Wonderful Host Family. Successfully Put Up My Host Sister's Mosquito Net. Morning Walks to School with Our Very Own Vill...
I am, who are you?
The oceans collapse and waves timidly kiss the shore. I think of everything being washed away, the mistakes, the heartbreaks. We...
About Me
Abir Ibrahim
American-Sudanese by the way of Washington, DC. A recount of my travels and now a Peace Corps Journal.
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All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and in no way reflect the positions of the United States Government or the Peace Corps