
Country: Tanzania
Program: Health Education Project
Job Title: Health Education Extension Worker

Primary duties will be to build capacity of primary school teachers, students, out of school youth, community groups and health service providers particularly clinic/health centre staff to understand and promote health in their communities. In addition, help to raise awareness in communities about Primary Health Care and other related health issues, particularly HIV and AIDS, and to help people find resources to address their needs. 

The purpose of the Health Education project is to assist the Tanzanian government to improve the health of Tanzanians especially rural communities by promoting Primary Health Care and healthy behavior among community members, particularly to out of school youth, students, teachers, service providers and community groups. 

As a Health Educator, work will entail initiating health education programs for in and out-of school youth, teachers, and different community groups as well as health workers and their clients. Work may be done in collaboration with other community-based organizations (CBOs) or non-governmental organizations (NGOs.)

About Me

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Abir Ibrahim
American-Sudanese by the way of Washington, DC. A recount of my travels and now a Peace Corps Journal.
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